Bloom Where You're Planted

Thanks to all who joined us for our annual meeting on February 3rd. We had a presentation about the findings of the ongoing Comprehensive Arts Plan Survey by Loudoun County Arts Coordinator David Grainger, learned from board members about the current state of the LAC, had a lively Q& A Session with those who attended, and elected new Officers.

We plan to hit the ground running! There's a lot going on in the arts sector right now. On February 7th, the owners of Ion International Training Center in Leesburg announced their plan to transition their business from a skating arena into a performing arts and convention/event center. Loudoun County is also conducting an effort to identify the arts needs of our community going forward. And of course there are all the wonderful events and classes happening monthly right here in Loudoun — learn more by clicking on the links to your left.

Loudoun Arts welcomes your support as we work to help shape these new arts initiatives. Renew your membership, make sure to drop in to our new office space at 207 Loudoun Street SE in Leesburg to learn more during Leesburg's First Friday, or make a plan to support us on Give Choose Day on March 25th!