LAC Professional Member
Western Loudoun Art & Studio Tour (WLAST)

P.O. Box 653, Round Hill, VA 20141

WLAST is held annually in early June at dozens of locations throughout western Loudoun CountyWLAST is held annually in early June at dozens of locations throughout western Loudoun County

The Western Loudoun Art & Studio Tour was created by volunteers in 2005, and has the ongoing support of three major partners: the Franklin Park Arts Center, the Friends of Franklin Park Arts Center, and the Round Hill Arts Center. In its first year only a handful of studios participated, but now WLAST has grown to become Loudoun's premier arts event. Each year in early June, the tour offers a weekend of art, shopping, and relaxation. Meet dozens of talented artists as you wind through the scenic countryside and historic villages of western Loudoun County. Enjoy paintings, pottery, jewelry, photography, fiber, sculpture, and more. Take this unique opportunity to talk personally with the artists, purchase artwork, view demonstrations and exhibits, or win a door prize! And the best part: it’s all FREE!


Studio Tours