"Going Home" by Beverley Sharrard Beverley Sharrard works with acrylic paint, acrylic mediums, handmade and specialty papers, and small sculptures to create unique dimensional wall art. Her intuitive works are created with a love of texture and color and her passion to create. She is a self-taught artist who pursued her love of creating through various mediums
"Copper I" by Beverley Sharrard including painting on silk before finally settling on acrylics because of its versatility. She has studied with several nationally known artists and considers that these classes were helpful in discovering her personal painting styles. Beverley is constantly experimenting with new textures and techniques to help her paintings make a statement. For the past year, she has been directing and instructing paint night classes for her local community. She says that it has brought her great joy to watch people who have never even picked up a paint brush discover their personal artistic abilities. It has even lead to some students pursuing private lessons. "Creativity keeps me centered, sane and happy."
Beverly is also a participating artWorks artist whose work could grace the walls of your venue in rotating quarterly shows.